
Affichage des articles du janvier 26, 2020
طقوس الهوىٰ بقلم سليم الزغل                                 ولمّا التقينا تسامرنا طويلاً وفيْض الأماني ولحن الأغاني وآخر ليلة كانت مطيرة تحدثنا عن طقوس الهوىٰ وحكايات المساء وليل الأحبة وهجران قلبي والرحيل مع الظهيرة ولمّا تعاتبنا وجنّ الليل وغاب النجم وموازين الثريا وأسفر الصبح المدجج بالخيول واغْروْرقت عيناك في الشمس المنيرة *********** سليم الزغل/طولكرم ************
Today is the second day of the traditional Chinese New Year. I send my best wishes from China to my friends                                                 Hello,And Good Morning By Tianyu The sky is like a little room, It gives people a sense of contentment. The morning wind drives the mood, Some impulses can be left unexplained. The morning wind kisses the lips of another, Closing your eyes and experiencing the nature. Let the dream seems a little closer to me, Unclench your fist when you're nervous. The gray-black faces of men and children, Sunlight can helps you change. Troubles and sorrow are gone, Forgetting all the pains of the past, Welcome a new day. Hello, my buddy. Yi ya - yi - ya Let's shout to the sun: wo-wo-wo. The world is mobilized like a family, Let's shake hands and say good morning, Good morning the new day.
Sămânță în vânt Corina Junghiatu                                            Tu, zigot, joc astral, sortită stea din 300 de milioane de spermii, ales să primești unica viața, trecând prin spațiul fluid al timpului, căutându-ți misiunea în sângele prelins prin vene, respectă legea pământului, răzbate suav prin corola lumii și cerne sita de valori a universului. Între cer și pământ, fii miracol, din adâncul suspin învață să iubești: brațele întinse către tine, visurile altora, lacrima, timpul, forma rotundă a ploii, norii oglindiți în luciul apei și pleacă într-o zi, împăcat cu destinul tău, îmbrățișând renașterea. Corina Junghiatu
SOW THE SEEDS Eden Soriano Trinidad                                           (of HOPE, PEACE, and UNITY) We have sowed mustard seeds Seeds of hope, seeds of inspirations Sow the seeds of unity to young lads To their tender hearts and young minds to be productive and be inspired Inspired to carve poems of love, peace and not pride Poems they’re now scribbling with their ballpoint Ballpoint carving couplets, quatrains and Haikus Haikus we used to play games Games to in spirit and liven their minds Minds to strew the seeds to their playmates To carve and pen beautiful ballads and sonnets Sonnets then novels to inspire the nations Nations whose heart are hardened by their selfish ambitions. These young brilliant minds will be awakened Awaken to bestow and impart hope, peace, for the next young generation No more irascibility, no more hates, no more- condescension Do not just preach to this young generation Maybe indifference will not end, maybe no one will no l